Direct Mail Fundraising Statistics 2021


direct mail fundraising statistics 2021

For nonprofits, direct mail has proven to be an effective tool for fundraising. According to a new study, 12.9% of donations are made online, but 87% of giving is still done offline. The survey also found that 87% of millennials enjoy receiving mail and responded to direct mail offers. The results show that direct mail still has a great impact on nonprofits, especially in schools. Below are some direct mail fundraising statistics for 2021.

People today are busier than ever. A direct-mail appeal will remind donors who might have gotten sidetracked with life. And, they can even leave the package on their kitchen table until they get back to it after dinner. Even if they are not able to pick up the mail, they'll have time to make a gift online. If a donation requires personal information, include the URL of your website in the direct mail appeal.

Donors are also increasingly likely to make a donation online. In 2020, over 50% of online donations will come from email. Email fundraising can also generate a significant portion of the organization's revenue. It's estimated that 7% of nonprofits will grow their email list size. In addition to email fundraising, the majority of fundraising emails won't personalize the salutation, which is a major problem. But the good news is that email fundraising is still a viable option.

One major player in this space is SmartPress. This company is an industry leader in direct-mail fundraising and has a track record of producing quality direct mail for nonprofits. SmartPress and Cactus Mailing is just a couple of their major competitors. If you're looking for a direct mail fundraising statistics 2021, contact one of these companies today to discuss your fundraising options. It's never too late to start making an impact!


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