B2B Direct Mail Statistics 2021


b2b direct mail statistics 2021

When it comes to b2b direct mail statistics, this year's numbers are pretty interesting. According to one report, personalized direct mail will increase two-fold by 2021, a dramatic change from last year's numbers. This is because marketers are beginning to realize that they need to make more personal connections with their customers, a human connection that most people feel they've lost during the recent pandemic.

Direct mail spend fell during the early days of the recession and early days of the lockdown. However, the volume will increase by 4.7% by 2021, a rebound from the pandemic. In the meantime, however, spending will remain below pre-pandemic levels. While these numbers may seem low, they still represent a significant growth - if not a huge increase - for direct mail marketing. In addition, more companies will be using direct mail to acquire customers, bringing in more sales.

Although the direct mail landscape remains uncertain, marketers are allocating 18% of their budget to print advertising and direct mail. Direct mail has been shown to have a positive impact on buying decisions. According to one report, 68% of recipients visited a brand's website after receiving a direct mail package, which means it increases the chances of conversion. While it has a higher CPA than digital advertising, direct mail recipients are more likely to remember a brand after seeing an ad.

Respondent rates for direct mail campaigns are improving. According to the study, 55% of consumers open their home mailboxes when they receive it. Meanwhile, the response rate for household and prospect lists is 4.9%. Direct mail responses are 47x better than those from email. This is good news for marketers who use direct mail as an important part of their overall marketing strategy. In fact, most marketers spend 11% of their budget on direct marketing.


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